Meet the Central Support Team

Megan Blair
Position: CEO
Qualification: MPP (Education Policy), PGCE
Experience in the education sector: Researcher (2010-2012), teacher (2013-2015)
Why Earlybird?:
All children deserve access to high-quality early learning and development experiences so they may flourish throughout their lives.
Unique special talent: Falling off my mountain bike.

Michelle Dos Santos
Position: Head of Teacher Training and Centre Management
Qualifications: BEd Foundation Phase
Experience in the education sector: Starting straight after Matric, I have been working in ECD centres, going from being an assistant teacher to a principal and owner, working for minimum a year in each age group, before moving into my current role as a trainer.
Why Earlybird?:
I have always been motivated to assist people in reaching their full potential. Earlybird shares this sentiment and has backed me in helping a lot of teachers get their qualifications and move into better roles within the company.
Unique special talent: I have a very healthy obsession with power tools.

James Munnik
Position: CFO
Qualifications: CA(SA), Finance Honours
Experience in the education sector: Financial Manager for a private primary school network (2016-2018)
Why Earlybird?:
I love getting small, exciting businesses operating at maximum efficiency. Earlybird provides me this opportunity while working towards filling a great need in its community.
Unique special talent: Karaoke king

Bernice McKee
Position: Education Associate
Qualifications: BEd (ECD) Foundation Phase
Experience in the education sector:
Over 16 years, starting with Au Pairing, Teaching, moving into a Principal position, until following a passion for content creation and curriculum development.
Why Earlybird?:
I have always believed that every child deserves a champion—an adult who will never give up on them and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be. I believe that Earlybird is the place get to fully live and achieve this heart’s desire.
Unique special talent: An affinity for all things leopard print.

Mbulelo Soko
Position: Operations Manager
Qualifications: -Diploma (Accounting )
Experience in the education sector: Finance Clerk for a Private Primary School (2017-2018).Operations Manager (2019-2020)
Why Earlybird?:
It has given a new direction to early childhood development and I believe this is the most important part of education a person gets.
Unique special talent: Putting my daughter to sleep.

Willem Breedt
Position: Property Consultant
Qualification: (Town Planning)
Experience in the education sector: 12 years experience in the built environment 7 of which specialised in educational property requirements.
Why Earlybird?:
Education is the only real way to bring about social change and address inequality. The formative years are critical but goes hand in hand with reputable and caring professionals as custodians of change and lifelong learning.
Unique special talent: Finding every admirable human quality in my dog Woody.

Bongani Tladi
Position: HR Consultant
Qualification: BA(Psychology & Law); LLB
Experience in the education sector: I have provided Legal, Compliance and People Management support to organisations in the education sector for 5 years.
Why Earlybird?:
It has an awesome educational approach that benefits the little people that attend its centres.
Unique special talent: Socialising.