Orange Group: Turning Five

In their pre-Grade R year, we prepare the orange groupers for their big step into ‘big school’. Our teachers pride themselves on graduating Earlybirders who begin Grade R with a head start — ready to catch the worm!

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Orange Group Daily Routine:

Special supports for Orange Group children and families:

  • Developing logic and reasoning skills
  • Getting ready for Grade-R

Development and Learning Objectives for the Orange Group:

Language, Literacy and Creative Expression

Maths and Scientific Reasoning

Physical, Social and Emotional well-being

  Language, literacy and creative expression

Engages in music, art and dramatic play

1g. Effectively uses art materials (such as crayons, paint, play dough etc.) to create representations of real / imagined objects, people, scenes

Receptive & Expressive vocabulary development

2j. Shows mastery in using the unit specific vocabulary in context

Coherent expression of personal ideas, thoughts, feelings

3g. Successfully engages in meaningful multi-exchange conversations with peers and adults

Response to Text

4e. Makes predictions about characters and events based on illustrations and discussion prompts from teacher.

Phonological Awareness

5e. Swaps phonemes (take away the “l” in front of “look” and put in another sound to make a new word)

5f. Identifies the syllables that make up a word

Phoneme-Grapheme Correspondence

6c. Identifies at least two letter/sound character pairs (e.g. lip poppers, tongue tappers, tongue scrapers, lip coolers, tongue coolers, skinny and fat airs)

6d. Correctly associates 3-or-more letters with the sounds they make

Print awareness / concepts

7e. Points to individual words within a written sentence (concept of ‘word in text’)

Tracing, transcription and writing

8c. Writes own name independently

  Maths and Scientific Reasoning


9b. Conceptually subitizes (quickly and accurately estimates the number of objects in a group) up to 6

Verbal and object counting

10f. Counts correctly across different arrangements, keeps track of objects not counted, understands ‘one more’ as after and ‘one less’ as before; “counter”

Numeral recognition, depiction and quantity correspondence (cardinality)

11e. Numeral depiction from 10 to 20

11f. Expanded cardinality (up to 20)

Relative Magnitude and Measurement

12e. Indicates relative magnitude of three quantities

Shape recognition and manipulation

13e. Draws composite shape diagrams independently

13f. Identifies and engages with symmetry

Position, Direction, Orientation, and Time

14g. Demonstrates understanding of ‘to the left of’ , ‘to the right of’

14h. Understands the effect of orientation and distance on perspective (i.e. the fact that objects appear smaller from further away and larger from below)

14i. Differentiates between ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘third’, ‘at the front’, ‘in the middle’, ‘at the back’ of a row of items

Position, Direction, Orientation, and Time

14g. Demonstrates understanding of ‘to the left of’ , ‘to the right of’

14h. Understands the effect of orientation and distance on perspective (i.e. the fact that objects appear smaller from further away and larger from below)

14i. Differentiates between ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘third’, ‘at the front’, ‘in the middle’, ‘at the back’ of a row of items

Classification and Repeat Patterning

15d. Identifies and continues a-bb-a-bb / abc-abc-abc / ab-ac-ab-ac style patterns


16d. Describes and performs tasks in sequence

Hypothesis formation

17e. Anticipates and avoids negative consequences (full grasp of cause and effect)

  pHysical and social emotional wellbeing


18k. Collaborates with partner or group members in pair or small group activities

Response to expectations

19g. Can make sense of general instructions such as, ‘let’s tidy up’ (do not need highly detailed instructions) and can discern which element of an instruction does or does not require action on their part

Persistence in the face of challenges

21e. Asks for help after multiple attempts at a task or solving a problem do not succeed.

Gross motor coordination

22q. Runs for at least 10 metres